
金沙娱乐 Parents, 2008-2021

“当金沙娱乐在2008年第一次遇到金沙娱乐时, which we had known only as an awning on the side of the Century Building, 金沙娱乐称它为“隐藏的宝石”.“现在, with our then pre-K student about to leave for his first year of college, 金沙娱乐觉得它不那么隐蔽,但同样是一块宝石.”

“Our sons have benefitted from 金沙娱乐 in so many ways: academically, it is exceptional and helped them to excel across a range of subjects; socially, it is small enough for each child to be embraced and acknowledged for his own gifts; and religiously, 它将他们暴露在一系列背景中, 信仰, and practices that will help to prepare them for a world of diversity and, 金沙娱乐希望, 接受差异.”

最后一点感觉特别重要. Obviously we wanted a school with exemplary academics that would also allow our children to grow interpersonally, 而金沙娱乐很好地提供了这两种功能. But the opportunity to learn alongside Jews from around the world and those whose Judaism differs in some ways from ours has been especially valuable. New Yorkers have so many opportunities to seek out people just like ourselves and to feel comfortable in microcommunities of sameness. But 金沙娱乐 was unique in offering our children the opportunity to see that Am Yisrael is a principle we live: every child in their classes was part of the large family of Jews even if their ritual observance differed from ours. While a less diverse Jewish environment would likely espouse the same principle, 金沙娱乐的孩子有金沙娱乐真正实现这个理想.”

“Being in a diverse Jewish space led to frequent and deeply valuable conversations at home about why we make the choices we do and how we can view others’ choices without judgment. The opportunity to enter the world with an understanding of the diversity of Jewish life feels like a gift that 金沙娱乐 gave our children. Working out those differences on a practical level — how does a school talk about religion? 它是如何将祈祷融入学校生活的? 它是如何处理犹太教规或安息日的问题的? -不容易. Segmenting ourselves into narrower and narrower bands of Jewish practice is both simpler and more pragmatic. But a school that grapples with these questions rather than avoiding them allowed us to articulate our values for ourselves and our children in the most concrete way possible. Jews of different denominations and backgrounds are not hypothetical constructs for my kids because of their 金沙娱乐 experience; we have seen that their 金沙娱乐 education has allowed them to enter the world with a wide range of important skills, 包括对多样性持开放态度.”

“集体生活很困难, 儿童和成人都可以, and finding a school that suits a wide swath of people inevitably leads to challenges. Being part of a diverse community rather than a monolithic one was not seamless for us, and there are times when more uniformity would have made our lives simpler. 但它非常有价值, and we would choose 金沙娱乐 again for what it has taught our children, 无论是显性的还是隐性的. We don’t believe our children could have gotten a better education anywhere else, and that education extends beyond the excellent work of the classroom teachers, including a kind of moral education that is modeled rather than overtly taught.”

金沙娱乐城app通过加里利海, we have become part of a school community but also part of a community of all Jews — secular, 正统的, 保守的, 改革, 以色列, 法国, 阿根廷, 美国, Russian — and that solidarity feels as important now as it has ever been. 金沙娱乐 offered our children a Jewish education that resisted siloing; too few such opportunities exist in our increasingly fragmented world, and we are profoundly grateful for a school that does so many things so well for the benefit of the entire Jewish community. “


金沙娱乐很高兴能成为金沙娱乐大家庭的一员. 这就是金沙娱乐的看法,一个家庭. 学校领导, 政府, and teachers have contributed to our children’s growth not only academically but also personally by instilling in them the core Jewish values of kindness, 慷慨, 和责任. 在金沙娱乐在这所学校的3年多里, not one child’s birthday has gone by without a receiving a message from the Head of School. 但除了个人, 金沙娱乐的孩子每天回到家,因为他们学到的东西而精神振奋, 不管是关于一个科学项目, 地理位置, 或者是安息日的歌曲和祈祷. 金沙娱乐的女儿, 现在是三年级, 能熟练地阅读和书写英语和希伯来语, and to see that kind of growth so quickly is a testament to the kind of teachers and curriculum at 金沙娱乐. Our son started as early as one can in nursery and he races every morning to get on the bus because he can’t wait to see his teachers and friends every day. We feel at home at 金沙娱乐 and know our children are getting the kind of well-rounded education that will provide a strong foundation for them for high school and beyond.”

金沙娱乐 Parents, 2018年至今

“当金沙娱乐来参观时,金沙娱乐就知道金沙娱乐是一个特别的地方, 领头的是两个, 成熟的, 热情的八年级学生分享了他们对学习的热情, 彼此承诺, 强烈的犹太人身份, 以及对金沙娱乐的爱. We thought, ‘this is the kind of kid we want our child to grow up to be.金沙娱乐做了尽职调查, 与不同年龄的孩子,包括校友的父母交谈, 金沙娱乐反复听到同样的话:“学术能力很强。,’ ‘the kids really learn Hebrew and after a few years it’s hard to separate the native Hebrew speakers from those who started without any Hebrew,“他们了解并爱每个孩子,因为他们是谁。,和“他们培养” menschlichkeit.“这正是金沙娱乐的发现. 金沙娱乐的孩子在金沙娱乐成长得很好. 他们热爱学习,在学业上受到挑战, 对犹太人有很深的认同感, 感受被关心和被爱, 并且正在形成强烈的价值观. We could not be more grateful to 金沙娱乐 for the outstanding experience our children are having at school.”


“We joined the 金沙娱乐 community when our daughter, now 14, started in Pre-K. 金沙娱乐第一次参观学校时,金沙娱乐金沙娱乐留下了深刻的印象, 金沙娱乐看到学生们都很投入, 带领参观的那些自信的中学生, 歌曲从幼儿园的教室里传出来. 金沙娱乐可以在走廊里感受到积极的、有益健康的能量. 金沙娱乐社区是一个国际化的、脚踏实地的社区. 许多学生在家说第二语言. 在强大的学术和小班教学的基础上, 金沙娱乐 fosters in students an appreciation and love for Judaism and Israel, 在一个激发好奇心和联系的支持性环境中. 金沙娱乐 teachers and administrators are responsive and care about children. 他们鼓励学生让世界变得更美好, to grow into well-rounded human beings with a solid foundation of Jewish values that they carry with them beyond the walls of the school. 因为它的大小和值, 等到这个班毕业的时候, 学生们彼此之间建立了牢固的联系. 他们互相照顾,庆祝彼此的成功. 现在金沙娱乐的女儿已经毕业了, 回首往事, 金沙娱乐很自豪金沙娱乐选择了金沙娱乐, 并且会毫不犹豫地再次选择金沙娱乐.”